Aug 20, 2009


Today was our first doctor appointment, which is always very exciting. So, we were able to have an ultrasound and my Dr. informs me that I am not 9 weeks, which we thought, but that I am only 7 weeks, he thinks! What? I don't want to go back two weeks! So my new due date is April 8. Jake informed me that we would still have the baby around my original due date. So I guess that is okay! We will have another ultrasound next time and will know for sure. Teanna decided she wanted to go with us. Cole was sick and we didn't trust him, so he stayed home with Grandma. She asked so many questions and was so excited to hear the heartbeat. It is so fun to see how much she loves this baby already. She understands a lot more than when we were expecting Cole. She is such a good big sister. Cole gets so excited when he sees a baby and always makes sure to point them out to me and then inform me that there is a baby in mama's belly!

Aug 8, 2009

Are We Crazy?

I know it has been awhile. I haven't figured out how to put the pictures from my camera to my computer yet. I am really lame when it comes to stuff like that, so I am waiting for Jake to show me how.
Anyways, we are expecting baby #3! I am due March 24, but will go 2 weeks early thanks to scheduled c-sections. We are very excited! Teanna only wants a girl no boys! Cole is learning that he isn't the baby anymore and that he is a big boy! I am still shocked that we will have three kids but I am very excited. I took three pregnancy tests throughout the month that were negative and I decided to try one more time and to my surprise it was positive! The third pregnancy seems to be a lot different for me because I haven't been as worried or scared as I was with the others. We are very excited for this new chapter in our lives and feel very blessed.