Jul 17, 2008

Walking On

Since Cole has recently started walking, I thought it might be a good time to give an update to our blog. It's really fun to watch your kids start to figure things out. Cole's been pretty impatient on the walking front. I think if he could have figured it out at 6 months, he would have been a lot happier.

He's been using a little walker to go up and down the hall of our apartment. Each time he reaches a dead end, he turns to someone for help turning it around and then he takes of the opposite way.

However, his favorite place to walk is by far on the couch. He goes back and forth across the couch. I think he loves the fact that if he falls, he kind of bounces off the cushions. Of course, it's always scary watching him go back and forth. We're always scared he'll fall, but I guess that's part of learning and growing.

The funnest part of watching him figure everything out is that he inevitably ends up walking to his mom. He has turned into the biggest mama's boy I've ever seen. Even if someone else has their arms wide open, he finds Mom. I don't think she minds too much...